Saturday, 28 September 2019

Bonus Math Post - Increasing Patterns

In grade three, the focus is on numerical patterns. 

What number comes next?

2, 5, 8, 11, __

This task can be quite tricky for students! Our JumpMath program does a fantastic job in breaking this task down into manageable parts! The first thing that a student needs to be able to do is to figure out how the pattern is growing? What are they adding to 2 to get to 5? This is called "The Gap". 
If a student is unable to do this in their head, they can use this trick:

After they can determine "the gap", they are ready for the next step...adding the gap to a number.

The final step is putting those two tasks together, find the gap, double check the gap,  and add it to the last number in the pattern to continue the pattern.

We will use these same strategies with decreasing patterns.

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