To encourage taking responsibility for their supplies, I host a pencil and eraser challenge each year in my room. Students are given a pencil and eraser with their name on it at the beginning of the year. Each month I check in with the students to see if they still have their pencil and eraser and if they do, they get a sticker on the chart. If a pencil gets too short or an eraser gets too small and the student brings it to me, I will replace it with another one with their name on it. If a child loses a pencil or eraser, they do not get a sticker on the chart and are given a new pencil or eraser for the next months challenge.
This year ALL of the students in 3C were super responsible with their supplies! I was super proud of them each month!
Prizes were given first to those students who has a PERFECT record! Not a single lost pencil or eraser ALL year!! Way to go you three!
Six prizes were also given to the students who only lost a pencil or eraser ONCE all year! Way to go you guys! I love how responsible you all were!
Due to the responsible nature of our students we had a TON of pencils and erasers left over! I've started sending home extra supplies today. Please check for an email about extra supplies from today.
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