Sunday, 8 September 2019

September 8th Update

Wow! What a fantastic first week of school! The students are settling into the routines of 3C really well and we are already on our way into regular school work and covering curriculum.


This week we have:
  • established the routine of read to self
  • participated in multiple read alouds, focusing on several reading strategies
  • chosen our first set of read to self books
  • participated in our first journal writing class
  • learned three clock climber letters in handwriting (c, a, d)


This week we have:
  • completed our first daily graph activity focusing on birthday months in 3C
  • completed our first How Many Ways activity, writing multiple sentences that equal 5
  • completed our first addition and subtraction All the Facts You Need to Know practice (addition facts to 9+9 and subtraction facts to 18-9)


This week we have:
  • completed a KWL chart showing what we already know and what we want to learn about rocks
  • discussed the concept of properties (special characteristics of an object)


This week we:
  • played around with writing our names on the diagonal within a triangular shape, stretching our uppercase letters 
  • chose our favourite colours to complete our project with pencil crayon. 
  • talked about how when you are colouring in a large area in pencil crayon it is best to use a shading technique instead of trying to colour by pressing really hard. 


This week we:
  • focused on listening and cooperation games


All of our school supplies have now been sorted and labelled. I have placed each child's extra supplies in a ziploc bag with their name on it.

Team 3C students are already participating in a Pencil and Eraser Challenge. Each month students start the month with a pencil and eraser with their name on it. If they manage to keep the same pencil and eraser for the entire month, they will receive two stickers on our chart. If they need a new pencil mid month because theirs is too short, I simply give them a new pencil from their supplies and write their name on it. As long as they show me their old pencil, they are not penalized in the challenge. At the end of the year, I will count up everyone's stickers and reward our most responsible students with a few prizes. Last year, each student was able to take home an entire box of pencils that they didn't get around to using! The purpose of this challenge is to teach the students to be responsible for and respect their supplies. 


Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day. Trips to the water fountain are very disruptive. I will be encouraging students to bring home bottles each day to be washed and refilled for the following day.


Students need nutrient-rich foods in order to maximize learning. The Grade Three classes will be continuing the Vegetable Grazing experience that was started in Grade Two. Students are welcome to keep a container of fresh vegetables (NO DIP) on their desk and may snack on them throughout the day. Happy munching!


The students loved the fact that you received the first homework assignment of the year! Please complete the In A Million Words or Less sheet and return it to school ASAP. If it didn't make it home, let me know and I'll send home a new one!


  • SEPT. 16-19TH - Rock Walk to Voyageur Park
  • SEPT. 18TH - Parent Council Meeting 5:30pm
  • SEPT. 20TH - PD Day (no school)
  • SEPT. 25 & 26TH - Photo Day
  • SEPT. 28th - Terry Fox Walk
  • OCT. 4th - ADmazing Savings Ticket Back orders due

My door is always open to our 3C families. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please bring them to my attention at your earliest convenience.

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March 2, 2020

Hello 3C parents,  Last week was a busy week. We had skating, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pink Shirt Day, an assembly presentation and ou...