I can't believe that the year is over! It was so hard saying goodbye to the students on Thursday! Teaching these 23 amazing kids was such a blessing! They were a kind, caring, thoughtful, curious, enthusiastic and energetic bunch! We learned a lot together and I will cherish the memories of this year for a long time.
A few last things:
- Having to stick to the template for report card comments is very hard for me. There is so much more that I wanted to say about your children. Please make sure that you go into the assignments on PowerSchool and read through my comments. I am not really limited on assignment comments so I am able to give you so much more information. I spent hours entering in assignments and adding comments before I completed the report cards to ensure that you each have a clear picture of your child as a learner. In particular, please make sure to read the Reading Conference comment.
- I am going camping for six weeks with my family and I was wondering if any student would like to take the fish tank for the summer. It isn't a lot of work...just feed them every second day and add water to the tank when it starts to get low. I'm not desperate for a fish sitter. I have someone coming to live in our house to take care of our dog and crested gecko...I just thought there might be a student that would enjoy the experience. Email me if you are interested.
- I am going to give you a link to all of the photos from the year. I didn't get a chance to post the Ukrainian Village photos or the Triathlon photos. They are in the June folder. You can copy the photos that you are interested in. 2018-2019 photos - click here!
- I wanted to thank you all for the beautiful cards and gifts at the end of the year. I always tell the students that all I ever want is a simple note or card. The sentiments that I receive always mean so much to me! I know this might sound silly but they also mean the world to my parents. I always show them to my mom and dad and it fills them with so much pride to know that I've done a good job and that the families were happy with my work. At 42, I still like making my parents proud. This year was special because they were able to meet all of the students on the last day because they came to see my youngest son's Grade Four Farewell assembly. I will be sending a thank you postcard from our camping trip to Oregon. I know how much students love receiving mail!
- Speaking of mail...in the book Wonder, Mr. Browne gives one last homework assignment at the end of the year and I like to do the same!
Here is your last grade three homework assignment!
1) Write your own precept, it can be an original idea or a quote that means something to you.
2) In a few sentences, tell me why you chose this precept and why it is important to you.
3) Mail me your precept on a postcard or in a little letter. My address is:
831 Oakland Place
Devon, Alberta
T9G 2H8
If you include your return address, I’ll send my precept to you!
Wishing you all a fabulous and relaxing summer! See you in September!
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