This week we:
- focused on including details in our writing using our senses. What does it look like? Sound like? Feel like?
- wrote in our journals
- listen to/read books on Epic
- enjoyed reading a variety of nonfiction and fiction selections during read aloud
This week we:
- learned about ordinals and tables (building common vocabulary when discussing tables, ex; 2nd column, 4th row)
- extended increasing patterns in tables
- used tables and patterns to solve problems
- completed a quiz
This week we started developing a sense of our place in the world by:
- looking at where we live in Devon in relation to the rest of Alberta and Canada
- learning the names of the provinces and territories and explored their unique characteristics
- discussing capital cities and how the provincial government meets and works out of that city
- learning that Ottawa is the capital city of Canada and looked at pictures and videos of the Parliament Buildings and National War Memorial
- learning that Canada has three oceans
- learning that both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans give Canada the opportunity to export and import goods
- learning about the compass rose and the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and intermediate points (northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest)
- learning about the difference between a map and globe
This week we:
- finished up our rock monsters
- started a spiderweb project
- started a Picasso/Cubist inspired Franken-portrait
This week we:
- continued focusing on underhand throwing
- learned some new games: Touchdown, Ultimate Frisbee
If you look at the Party Planning Days tab (under Malkia's photo) on the blog, you can see who is signed up for the Halloween Party. The students and I haven't discussed what our plans are for the party yet. We will have a discussion next week and let families know what is needed at that time. Thank you so much for your support with this!
- Monday - PD Day (no school)
- Tuesday - Substitute Teacher in (Mrs. Robinson)
- Tuesday & Wednesday - Book Fair
- Wednesday - Parent Teacher Interviews
- Friday - Last day of Socktober
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