Friday, 22 March 2019

March 17th & 22nd Updates


Read Aloud - This week we started Wonder by R.J. Palacio! Ask your child what they think about the characters that they have met: August, Julian, Jack Will, Charlotte, Summer and Mr. Tushman.

Writing - Our word choice work this week had us focusing on adjectives! The students enjoyed the final week on working with adjectives. Their final task was to create an insect, draw and label it, and then brainstorm adjectives to describe it. We had some pretty terrifying creatures come to life in 3C!

Word Work - This week we focused in on long vowel sounds using the silent e rule. The students really enjoyed the challenge words at the end of the unit! They are getting much better at completing the challenges independently! We are also working on chunking the sounds when breaking down words to spell them or read them. Instead of sounding out translate like this: t-r-a-n-s-l-a (long)-t, I would like to see them chunk it like this: tr-ans-late.


This week, we continued to work on using a picture to come up with a repeated addition sentence and a multiplication sentence. We also started looking at how to come up with the answer to a multiplication question without using repeated addition or a picture. We looked at all of the facts that we need to learn in Grade Three and came up with strategies/tricks for quickly getting the answer. 

There are only 3 multiplication facts that are not covered by our tricks...and I have a trick for them too! I know it sounds crazy and for us adults, it seems easier to just memorize the facts, but there is a program called Multiplication in a Flash that works wonders! This program uses words that sub in for numbers, visuals and crazy stories to help students remember the facts.

I have introduced these two stories to the kids and will introduce the final story for 4x4 when we get back from Spring Break.


We finished up our science unit with a bridge building project! I was super impressed with the effort that went into the bridges! The students were so proud of them! 


The students have really enjoyed learning about Tunisia this week! Some of the highlights included:
  • the 3 geographical regions 
  • the European influence due to the proximity (right on the Mediterranean Sea)
  • the variety of houses depending on geographical region
  • troglodyte houses in Matmata
  • getting water in the desert
  • the use of the coast line for import and export
  • agriculture: olives, olive oil, pomegranates, citrus fruit, grain, sugar beets, dates, almonds
  • national dish: couscous
  • Ancient city of Carthage 
  • art: mosaics, weaving
  • health care is provided to all citizens
The students also really enjoyed celebrating Tunisia Day! They played Mancala, worked on a weaving project and a mosaic project and enjoyed some Tunisian food (dates, couscous, flat bread with olive oil and baklava)! Thank you to Sophia's mom and Maklin's mom for helping us out with the stations! 


We have been super fortunate to have a few special guests in over the past few weeks! We had a fantastic Lacrosse class with Eric! He was amazing with the students!

We traded our Lacrosse sticks for our dance shoes and had a blast participating with Leo in the Raga Revolution program!


Thank you to all of the families that came out to our Student Led Conferences! It was so great to see how excited the students were to show off their learning and accomplishments with you! I'm sorry if I missed getting a picture of you and your was pretty busy at one point and I didn't get a chance to run around with my camera. 

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March 2, 2020

Hello 3C parents,  Last week was a busy week. We had skating, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pink Shirt Day, an assembly presentation and ou...