This week we:
- continued reading Frindle and the students are LOVING it! When I finish the chapter for the day, they beg for one more! We are expanding our vocabularies and working on our comprehension strategies during reading each day.
- used a few periods every day from our literacy time to focus on Remembrance Day. We read two books together:

- A Bear in War is based on a true story about the Rogers family from East Farnham, Quebec. Lieutenant Rogers, the father in the story, died in the Battle of Passchendaele as a medic trying to save the life of an injured soldier. The story follows the family in the months leading up to Lawrence Rogers joining the other soldiers fighting in WWI through to his death after four years overseas. The narrator of the story is Teddy. The students often become emotional when we read the story. I think for many of the students, it's the first time that they really grasp the sacrifice that the soldiers.
- For the past eleven years, when I finish reading the story, I always have said, "One day I am going to go to Ottawa and see Teddy in real life at the Canadian War Museum." This year I was able to stay something different, "I feel so lucky that two summers ago when I was in Ottawa, I got to see Teddy on display with Lieutenant Rogers' jacket."
- Here are a few pictures from that visit:
We also read the follow up to this story called Bear on the Homefront. This story catches up with the little girl in the story as an adult. She is working as a nurse serving on the homefront, welcoming children from British cities who were sent to live with Canadian families during World War II.
Our library has both books if you are ever interested in reading them.
The students were so passionate about our discussions surround Remembrance Day, I decided to harness this energy and focus them on writing another idea web and paragraph. We did the web as a class and came up with a common topic sentence, Remembrance Day is a very important day to me. Students then wrote their paragraphs and did a fantastic job!
This week we:
- learned how to write a number using expanded form in two ways: using numerals only and using numeral and words:
246 = 200 + 40 + 6
246 = 2 hundreds + 4 tens + 6 ones
- learned how to write numbers in words. We examined the spelling of number words and focused on a few tricky spelling patterns when writing out numbers with words. Students have a word list to help remind them of the proper spelling.
two hundred forty-six
This week we:
- continued our study of our last continents: Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. The students really enjoyed this activity and loved learning about the different continents!
This week we:
- focused on our kicking skills. We focused on keeping control of the ball when dribbling and passing.
Last week on Friday, the students worked on a piece of artwork for Remembrance Day. They turned out beautifully!
As promised, here are the photos of the Stem Monsters that the students created! I'm missing one group because we had a student missing that day. I will post that picture next week.
This week we got to know Kia a little bit better!
- Monday through Wednesday - NO SCHOOL
- Book Orders due on Friday
- Jersey Day - Tuesday, November 19th
- Growing Smiles Christmas Fundraiser
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