Sunday, 26 May 2019

May 25th Update

I can't believe that we are entering our last week of May! This year has flown by!

I've fixed my technical issues with photos so this blog post is going to be focused on sharing some photos with you!


I didn't want to post these before Mother's Day because I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I just wanted to let you know how much time, practice, thought and love went into this project. We talked a lot about showing our love for someone by taking the time to do something special for that person. The card and bookmark/fridge magnet were simple gifts but the students did so much work leading up to the final products. We learned how to draw 8-10 different doodle flowers during two guided drawing sessions. The students then planned which flowers that they would draw for each part of their gift and they practiced them one more time on a practice card and practice strip of paper. Then the students did their good copies and painted/coloured them. For the inside of the card, the students used what they learned during our Friendship Simile Poem activity and created a unique one just for you! They were so proud of their gifts! I hope you enjoyed them! 

After becoming such masters at drawing and painting flowers, 
we decided to do a large watercolour piece! 
They turned out really well!


Click here to see all of our photos from the field trip!


The students have been very excited watching their caterpillars grow! Little do most of them know...that on Saturday, our caterpillars' poop changed colour and several of them were in their J-Shapes! This is VERY EXCITING news if you are in 3C! Please show your child these photos! They are going to be super pumped to see this!


In our recent Science unit focusing on Animal Life Cycles, we have been reading through passages of information and highlighting the important parts. During this process, we read through the passage a few times. When it was time to answer questions about the passage, we were very familiar with the information and if we needed to double check our thinking, we could rely on our highlighting to guide us. We have worked through this process a few times now with our Butterfly Life Cycle booklets and the students were getting more and more efficient with determining what was the most important information and highlighting it. For the last page, I had them partner up and complete the task together, without my guidance. The students enjoyed testing out their new skills in a more independent setting. 


The students enjoyed Day One of Bike Safety! Thank you to all of our parents for bringing bikes in and picking them up! We super appreciate your time and dedication to this!


Congratulations goes out to our recent Student of the Weeks! We are super proud of you!

This week's important reminders:

Tuesday - Multiples Day - Dress like a twin or triplet with a friend or two!
Wednesday - our new library time
Thursday - Yearbook Order Deadline
Friday - Elder Florence Assembly

That's all for now! I need to switch over and spend a few hours on PowerSchool!
Have a great rest of your weekend!

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March 2, 2020

Hello 3C parents,  Last week was a busy week. We had skating, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pink Shirt Day, an assembly presentation and ou...