We continued our study of Skippyjon Jones books during Read Alouds this week. Reading conferences and read to self continue to be important parts of our literacy time each week. Writing this week focused on using the 5 Ws to add detail to our writing: who, what, where, when and why. We also examined contractions this week. In addition to our Daily 6-Trait Writing lessons, we write in our journals. Students have free choice in what they write about at this time and it's purpose is to encourage writing fluency...getting your ideas and thoughts down on paper. At this time, I am working closely with a small group of five students to encourage their writing development. We are focusing on composing a sentence in our head, making sure that it makes sense, counting the words that we need to write down and then stretching out the words to try and get all of the sounds down. After we write down sentence, we reread it to make sure that it makes sense and that we aren't missing any words, letters or sounds.
After a couple days of practice with Touch Math using subtraction, the students were ready to dive into our first lesson in our patterning unit. Jump Math breaks down the steps to perform a task into small manageable steps. In order to be able to continue an ascending or descending pattern, students need to be able to do the following steps:
- determine "the gap" between the first two numbers
- continue the pattern by adding or subtracting the gap from the last number in the pattern
We wrapped up our science unit on Rocks and Minerals by exploring the properties of our rocks like real geologists do! The students loved testing the rocks hardness using Moh's Hardness Scale! They enjoyed testing to see if their rock would react to vinegar, if it would float, measuring it's length and looking at it under a microscope!
Meet the 3C Geologists! (more photos)
Physical Education
Our focus in gym has been to teach the students a variety of low organization games (little to no equipment required) that can be used as warm ups throughout the year. We have been focusing on learning and following the rules, active participation, teamwork and good sportsmanship. The students have been having a blast!
Star Student
We really enjoyed getting to know Miss E this week! The students loved that she brought in her cat Kitty to see us!
Student of the Week
Way to go Miss C!!! I'm super proud of your awesome effort every day!
Grade One Buddies
The students in 3C were very excited to meet their grade one buddies in Miss Starostecki's class! We did a quick little interview to get to know our buddies better and then we had a little bit of time to colour together.
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