As was mentioned in emails last week, Christmas card orders were due last Tuesday. It was so rewarding to see the students create such beautiful cards! They really took their time and were proud of their work.
Last week, we also focused on the importance of Remembrance Day. We read one of my favourite books, A Bear In War by Stephanie Innes & Harry Endrulat. I encourage you to ask your child to retell you the story. All of the students lost themselves in the story and were moved by the fact that it is based on a true story. Many of them might ask you to take them to the Canadian War Museum to see the real bear if you are ever in Ottawa.

After reading the book, we had discussions, watched a video and looked at some pictures to help us understand our blessings as Canadians and who were need to be thankful to. Our class behaviour during the assembly was nothing but respectful. I was very proud of all of our students.
We have continued to work through our Number Sense concepts focusing on representing numbers in different ways. They have practiced writing numerals in words, in expanded form with numerals only (352= 300+50+2), expanded form with numbers and words (352= 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 2 ones) and with pictures (base ten blocks). We have also focused on the value of each of the digits (352 - 3 means 300, 5 means 50 and 2 means 2).
After reading the book, we had discussions, watched a video and looked at some pictures to help us understand our blessings as Canadians and who were need to be thankful to. Our class behaviour during the assembly was nothing but respectful. I was very proud of all of our students.
We have continued to work through our Number Sense concepts focusing on representing numbers in different ways. They have practiced writing numerals in words, in expanded form with numerals only (352= 300+50+2), expanded form with numbers and words (352= 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 2 ones) and with pictures (base ten blocks). We have also focused on the value of each of the digits (352 - 3 means 300, 5 means 50 and 2 means 2).
We have also continued to work on our number sense using How Many Ways.
Words Their Way - We took last week off from WTW because it was such a short week. We will have new sorts for this week. Your child should be bringing their sort home on Mondays. If a sort sheet doesn't make its way home, please email me and I will make sure one comes home on Tuesday. Please continue to encourage your child to practice their sorts during the week. This practice shouldn't take more than 10 minutes each night and will help your child master the spelling rules each week. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Word Wall Words - This week will be our first time having Word Wall Words (WWW). Each week your child will write 5 sight words in their agenda on Mondays. On Monday evening, please have your child read the words to you. If your child can read all of the words, their goal for the week is to be able to spell them correctly. If your child can not read the words, their goal is to be able to read them all on sight (no sounding out). On Fridays, in addition to their WTW tests on Spelling City, students will also complete a quick dictation test. During this test, I will give them a simple sentence to write down. They are expected to use proper mechanics (punctuation and capitalization). They are also expected to spell the WWW correctly. For those students who have been working on learning how to read the words, they will be expected to find the word on their portable word wall and copy it down correctly.
Read Alouds - We have been reading a variety of books during our read aloud time. I've brought in a few of my favourite picture books and we have also been reading some nonfiction. For the next couple of weeks, we are going to focus our read alouds on Canada. I will read about a different province/territory each day to help reinforce concepts that are being taught in Social Studies.
Home Reading - Due to our busy schedule on Fridays, I would like to change our home reading rewards day to Wednesdays. It is really hard to fit everything in on Fridays and moving this one activity to Wednesdays will help lighten the load for all of us. Thank you for your understanding.
Social Studies
We are currently finishing up our study of maps, the continents and oceans and Canada. I would like to have a unit quiz on Monday. Students will be expected to be able to label a world map with the 7 continents and 5 oceans. They will also be expected to label a map of Canada with it's provinces and territories. Spelling will count on this test.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will finish our unit on Rocks and Minerals. I am excited to guide the students through a final rock testing session as a unit wrap up activity. My husband is a science teacher at a junior high school in the city and has access to an amazing collection of rocks! He is letting us borrow them along with some actual porcelain plates to do the streak test with! The kids are going to be super excited!
Star Students
We have enjoyed getting to know two of our classmates even better! Thank you to Miss M and Mr R for being our fabulous Star Students!
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