New Projector!
We were all extremely excited to try out our new interactive whiteboard this week! Instead of having to run to my computer all of the time, I can just touch my whiteboard and have control! The students have fun exploring adding fractions using the pen feature! We will continue to explore different ways to use this new technology to enhance our learning experience.
Mother Nature definitely didn't cooperate with us this week! Having to cancel our Rock Walk was very disappointing for the students. We made the best of it and had a great day setting up our chrome books and doing some handwriting. We have rescheduled the Rock Walk for this Wednesday (with three possible rain out dates- just in case) and ask that you please fill out the new permission slip online before Wednesday morning. Thank you for cooperation and patience with this process.
Social Studies
The students continued their exploration of mapping this week by learning about the compass rose, cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) and intercardinal directions (NE, NW, SE, SW).
We finished up our mini confidence building unit on naming and adding fractions and then started into our patterning unit. The Jump Math program pays attention to building students' skills in small steps in preparation for the end goal. This week we worked on discovering the "gap" between two numbers in preparation for figuring out the pattern rule and extending an increasing pattern. All students were successful with the concepts this week!
This week our read alouds have focused around reinforcing the comprehension strategies check for understanding and go back and reread. I am using Skippyjon Jones books to illustrate the importance of these strategies. Skippyjon Jones books are hilarious but there is a catch! You have to make sure you understand the expressions that are in Spanish to fully get all of the funny bits! I demonstate our strategies throughout the read aloud and clearly show the students the value of using these strategies. The reward for using the strategies is huge...more laughs!
I have continued to read with students during our read to self time each day. At this time, I teach specific reading strategies that I feel will benefit individual students the most. It is so wonderful working with a group of students who are so eager to add to their reading strategy toolboxes!
This week in art, I introduced the students to one of my favourite artists, Romero Britto! We learned a few things about him personally and then starting looking at his art. The students quickly recognized a few key features present in his work:
- dark black lines outlining his drawings
- bold and bright colours
- patterns that go in every "piece" of his picture
After grasping an understanding of his works features, I guided the students through a cat drawing. Once the drawings were complete, we practiced making patterns with a variety of shapes and colours. Students were excited to try out their new skills on their cat drawings and got to work right away. We listened to Brazilian music while we worked since Romero Britto is from Brazil. We didn't get to finish our masterpieces and will continue to work on them this week.
Important Dates
Library - Tuesdays
Hot lunch orders - due Wednesday
Rock Walk- Wednesday
Terry Fox Walk - Friday
As always, if at any time you have any questions or concerns please contact me at your earliest convenience.
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