* We won't be having a new word sort or word wall words this week. With the chaos of Christmas concerts and last Friday's snow day, we are going to test the words from last week, this week.
* This week will be adding a few sentences to a school wide story that revolves around a different piece of art from the Alberta Art Gallery. We will also be writing letters to Santa this week (if you haven't seen my special Christmas request email yet, please look for it in your inbox ASAP).
* We are finishing up The Trouble With Chickens this week. The students have LOVED it! They have fallen in love with the characters! There are a few other books by the same author, Doreen Cronin, that would make great Christmas gifts for the kids: The Legend of Diamond Lil, The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure, and The Case of the Weird Blue Chicken: The Next Misadventure.
* One on one and small group weekly reading conferences are going very well. I am seeing quite a bit of growth when in comes to reading strategies in the areas of comprehension, accuracy and fluency. Thank you for your support with home reading! This is such an integral part of supporting your child's growth as a reader.
* I was hoping that I could announce that we were finished our patterns unit and on to our place value unit...but I can't. I wasn't comfortable leaving such an important unit behind when I had a handful of students who were struggling with identifying and extending patterns when it involved numbers instead of objects. I have spent the last few days taking a step back with these students and built a more solid foundation of skills to work with. We have completed our work with increasing number patterns and will focus this week on decreasing number patterns. In the meantime, the other students have enjoyed: (a) applying the patterning concepts to some challenging problem solving questions
(b) completing review work out of the textbook
(c) playing math games that reinforce their basic facts.
* The place value unit is up next. It is a quick, straight forward unit. With all of the number sense work that we have done over the past three months, I believe that this unit will be completed quite quickly.
Christmas Festivities
Christmas concerts are this week! The students have been working hard to perfect their performance. Our concert is on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7pm. Doors open at 6:45pm. We are meeting in Mrs. Murtha-Toles' room.
Christmas party/special snack day details will be coming out on Thursday!
Golden Garbage Can Award
For the month of November, 3FM won the Golden Garbage Can Award! We won this by keeping the cleanest classroom! Way to go team! It's a great way to show our appreciation for our custodians!
On Friday, only 8 students made it to school due to the cold weather and lack of buses. The nine of us had a great day! After our assembly we played a variety of games, both educational and just for fun! We spent the afternoon in Mrs. Rothfos' class with seven 3R students and worked on a special art project. It was so much fun getting together with other grade three students!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday night!
Take care and stay warm!
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