Sunday, 26 October 2014

Science and Social Studies Update

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and is all geared up for Halloween!!!

I wanted to give a quick update on what has been happening in Science and Social Studies.

In Science we continue to work on our rocks and minerals unit. Students have:

ü  reviewed the rock cycle - and how rocks come from deep within earth and 
then go through changes throughout time. 
ü  learned about igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. 

The students also continue to enjoy bringing in rocks during Rock Talk to show to 
their classmates. It is such a fun way for students to demonstrate how they 
can describe the properties of rocks and minerals. 

This week we will begin looking at soil and how it is NOT just dirt! Students will learn that 
soil is really a combination of fine rock particles and humus. We were also invited to work 
with 1L on a buddy project on worms which ties in nicely with our introduction to soil. 

In Social Studies we will be finishing off our mapping unit with a quiz on 
the continents and oceans on Monday. 

Students will then be introduced to a child from each of the following countries:
Ukraine, India, Peru, Tunisia. These characters will be followed over the course of the
year to help the students as they learn about life in each of the countries.

Looking forward to a super week in 3FM!

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