Sunday, 14 September 2014

Looking ahead...

This week we are launching our home reading program, Read for Beads! I have put together this new program in hopes of motivating all of my students to read a minimum of 20 minutes each day, including weekends. Students will earn one bead for every 100 minutes of reading to put on their necklace string. I wanted to reward students frequently to encourage consistent participation. 

Students also will earn larger rewards at 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 minutes. 

This week, students will bring their home reading bag on Monday (this will usually take place on Friday). In their home reading bag will be their home reading log booklet and some home reading books. Students aren't limited to reading only these books. They can choose good fit books from home, library books, etc. This week, on Thursday (because Friday is a PD day) students will return everything in the morning. We will take the time to reward reading minutes, switch out for new books and pack them into backpacks to come home. I'm hoping that coming home with new books on Fridays will motivate students to read on the weekend. If students need new books during the week because they have read everything, they can do a midweek switch. 

Also coming home tomorrow is A Parents Guide To Reading With Your Child. I wrote this document to help you and your child get the most out of reading together. Students in grade three still love being read to and still need to read with a parent each day. They are building their good reader strategies and often need adult reinforcement to use these strategies appropriately and consistently. Even students who are reading above their grade level benefit from reading with an adult. If you need any clarification about the information in the handout, feel free to contact me at school. 

Another exciting program that is starting soon is our Star Student program. This is your child's chance to shine! We ask that you assist them in completing their poster and gathering some important momentos, pictures, treasures, etc. 

This past week it was my turn to be the Star! Mrs Ferguson and I wanted to teach the kids a little about ourselves and also provide an example of what we are expecting. This is my display. I brought in photos as my keepsakes because there is nothing that I treasure more when it comes to material things. 

During their Star Student week, students will sit in our special Star Student desk!

Vanessa is our first Star Student and her week starts next week!

Our new individualized spelling program, Words Their Way, will start next week! There is so much to look forward to in 3FM!

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March 2, 2020

Hello 3C parents,  Last week was a busy week. We had skating, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pink Shirt Day, an assembly presentation and ou...