Monday, 29 January 2018

Half Way Through Grade Three!

How is it that we are half way through the year already?!? The kids were absolutely shocked when this came up today as we prepared our monthly slides for our slide show! Five months down, five more to go!

Things have been super busy in 3C!


Over the past two weeks we finished the book Frindle and the students LOVED IT! They became so invested in the character's journey through the book! They loved making predictions using the title for the upcoming chapter! Their comprehension skills have really developed nicely through our read alouds. I can't wait to introduce them to my favourite book in the world in the next few weeks! They are almost ready for it! 

This week we started reading a new series called Key Hunters. I like to introduce them to new series to encourage them to try new books. You never know which book or series is going to strike a chord within you until you try it. They really enjoyed the first chapter today but were very frustrated when Chapter Two was "just called Chapter Two!" LOL!

We finished up our focus on organization last week! I am so proud of their growth as writers! This is the first time that I've used this resource and I am loving it! As a final project, using the skills that they learned between the lessons on IDEAS and ORGANIZATION, students first came up with a topic that they felt they knew a lot about. Then they chose what type of paragraph they wanted to write and planned their writing accordingly:

  • They used a point form list if they were writing a paragraph giving step by step instructions. 
  • They used a web if they were writing a detailed paragraph on one topic. 
  • They used a Venn diagram if they were writing a paragraph that was comparing two things. 


They were then given time to write a proper paragraph, making sure to start with a topic sentence. The students did a great job on this assignment!

This week we started our focus on WORD CHOICE! This is going to be awesome! I always spent a considerable amount of time on word choice using JoAnne Moore resources. I was lucky enough to work along side JoAnne Moore and have her personally coaching me on teaching writing. Her resources and my experience with them are going to be perfect along side the Traits resource that I've been using. Stay tuned for some amazing writing!!!


The students are super proud of their ability to add multi-digit numbers with or without regrouping using the traditional algorithm (stack and add)! They are all becoming more accurate with their calculations. By starting with the place value side of things, the students really grasped the concept of regrouping just made sense to them! Woohoo! We are going to be moving on to multi-digit subtracting this week! Wish us luck!


The students of 3C fell in love with India over the past three weeks! We learned so much about their country, people, culture and way of life! The students were very respectful in discussing their observations in regards to the similarities and differences between our two countries. We talked about everything! I hope that our conversation about Indian style toilets didn't surface at dinner time for you! They were amazed by the conditions that people lived under in certain parts of the country. It amazed them how different India is from region to region! 

We really enjoyed our cultural celebration of India Day last Friday! A huge thank you to the handful of moms that made it in to lend me a hand with the henna! I couldn't have done it without you! Our culture days are always so much fun as we immerse ourselves in a culture that we have all come to respect and love! 


Another HUGE thank you goes out to all of the parents that were able to come to the arena to help out with tying skates and supervising on the ice! Special thanks to Marie Murray for showing up every day to tie skates and be out on the ice! The kids all enjoyed their ice time and their skills progressed very nicely! We have one more skating week coming up in February!


We all sure enjoyed getting to know Mr. L a bit more during his Star Student week! He is such a sweet boy... we just love him!

We loved sharing in Miss P's Star Student week! 
She was super excited to introduce us to her new little puppy Lady Punk! 


Congratulations to our super Student of the Weeks!!! You girls make me proud every day!!!

I think that's all for now! 
Just two reminders/notes:
  • If you haven't logged on to PowerSchool to pay the $8 fee for Culture Days, please do so asap. The $8 covers all four Culture Days.
  • Students brought home the first two units from our writing books (Ideas and Organization). Check their backpacks for them...they should be in there.
Take care everyone!

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Happy New Year!

From chatting with the students in 3C last week, it sounds like everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

We got right down to business this week and we accomplished so much!


In writing, we continued our focus on the trait of ORGANIZATION. This week, we focused on contrasting and comparing two things in our writing. How are they the same? How are they different? We learned that we need to organize our writing so that we don't confuse the reader about similarities and differences. The convention that we focused on was underlining our book titles when we write. This week coming up we will finish our last week focusing on organization before heading on to study word choice. The students also enjoyed telling me all about their Christmas break in their journals this week.

In reading, we started a new chapter book called Frindle by Andrew Clements. The students have enjoyed getting to know the main characters Nick and Ms. Granger. Ask your child to tell you what's happened so far! It's such a fantastic book!

Image result for frindle

Read to self has continued to go well. I enjoy the time that it provides me to conference with students about their independent reading strategies! There has been an amazing amount of growth in reading abilities over the past four months! It's one of my favourite things to witness in the classroom!

Our Working with Words block is critical to pushing students in their understanding of how words work. It is extremely important that the skills and lessons learned during this time start transferring to the areas of reading and writing. Seeing the relationship between words, finding small words within larger words, recognizing common endings (suffixes) and beginnings (prefixes), catching rhyming word patterns, understanding the difference between short and long vowel spelling patterns all lead to greater fluency in reading and writing.


After completing a quick review of the first ten lessons in our place value unit, we continued on to new material. This week, we have been focusing on trading. This lesson is leading students into addition with trading. It's important that students understand that you cannot have a double digit number in a single place value spot. For example:

You can't have 16 ones in the ones place...if a student was the write down the number like they typically do from the place value chart they would come up with the number 2416. They need to recognize that there are ten too many ones in the ones place, bundle them up and move them forward to the tens place. This concept is extremely important to understand before we proceed into multi-digit addition.

The students were also brushing up on their basic facts this week in preparation for the addition lessons coming up! We played a couple of quick games using a ten sided dice. First, we played Double It. Students rolled the dice and quickly doubled the number on the die. Then, we switched to Make Ten. Students rolled the dice and quickly said the number that would make ten with the number on the die. These are both quick and easy ways to practice our math facts. We also completed a page of All The Facts You Need to Know to help improve our quick recall of our basic addition facts. 


The students really enjoyed diving into our new Social Studies unit this week! We started out by talking about basic needs, wants and quality of life. We talked about how basic needs are the things that you cannot live without: food, clothing, shelter and love. We also talked about wants and the students could easily tell the difference between needs and wants. Then, we discussed the concept of quality of life. 

Quality of life is the sense of safety, comfort, security, health and happiness that people have in their lives.

We talked about how we achieve a good quality of life in Canada and we compared it to the situation in other countries (ex; access to health care here versus the USA). The students were very thoughtful in their discussions about how lucky we are to live where we do and with the amazing families that we have. We talked about how we are going to compare and contrast the way people achieve a good quality of life in India, Peru, Tunisia and Ukraine for the remainder of the year. We are going to start our study in India.

The next lesson focused on finding shelter in India. The students were amazed by how life is different in India. We looked at houses in the city versus houses in the country. We studied life in Mumbai specifically. The students were very curious and interested in how twenty-one million people find shelter within one city. During our discussions we focused on being respectful in our observations. An important focus of the Grade Three Social Studies curriculum is becoming a respectful global citizen...being a person who appreciates our similarities and differences with people from other countries and doesn't see things that we have or do as the right way. We also discussed how in India, the different states or regions are very unique in several ways. The students are excited to continue to learn about India!


In PE, we have been focusing on our Gymnastics unit. Students have been learning a variety of ways to move their bodies (skip, gallop, bear walk, crab walk, etc.). Mr. Van Huis taught the students the proper way to do a forward roll. We also learned how to do a front and side scale. Students also participated in a fitness relay where they ran across the gym and either did 5 sit ups, 5 push ups or 5 burpees before heading back to their team to tag the next runner. It was a great week in the gym!

Skating is coming up! Please make sure that you read the emails in regards to skating and fill out the permission slip online. Thank you!


We really enjoyed getting to know Miss S better this week! She brought in the most precious five special things! We also enjoyed when her mom came in to read us her letter and when she brought in their two dogs!


Congratulations to Mr R for earning Student of the Week this week! Way to go!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

March 2, 2020

Hello 3C parents,  Last week was a busy week. We had skating, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pink Shirt Day, an assembly presentation and ou...