It amazes me that we have already finished a month of Grade Three! Wow! September was full of setting the rules and routines of the classroom, getting to know each other and a few special activities!
The Musicial Ride was definitely a highlight of the past few weeks! The students enjoyed the morning visiting a soldier outside and meeting his horse, chatting with a soldier inside and learning about their training and experiences and of course taking in the 40 minute performance in the southwest field! The horses and riders amazed us with intricate formations! The students were so well behaved and just sat there taking it all in! After the performance, we were invited to approach the horses and soldiers for a quick pet and photo op! The students LOVED petting the horse! For many of them, it was their first time!
The Terry Fox Walk was also a highlight for us on Friday! The students enjoyed the brisk walk in the afternoon followed by a few snacks provided by the Town of Devon and the Lions Club! A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Houle and Mrs. Jp for joining us for the walk! The students each carried a list in their pocket with all of the names of the family and friends in Team 3Cs life that have been affected by cancer. Sadly, the list was long but we honoured each of them by keeping them in our thoughts during the walk.
This week we even managed to sneak in a bubble blowing contest thanks to the generously of Brody's family! We were outside for gym early on Thursday at the end of the day, so we took the last few minutes to test out our bubble blowing skills! The results were HILARIOUS! Mrs. C, the students and I all had a great laugh!
Now, it isn't all fun and games in 3C! The students have also been hard at work!
- word wall words using high frequency, commonly misspelled words
- daily read alouds to learn and reinforce "good reader" strategies
- read to self to read one on one with the teacher or assistant or read alone to practice and fine tune strategy use
- journal writing to build stamina and fluency as a writer
- paragraph writing about our heroes
- working with words focusing on long and short vowel sounds and spelling patterns
- investigating increasing and decreasing number patterns
- building number sense
- exploring the world's continents and oceans
- learning the provinces and territories of Canada
- following directions
- exploring warm and cool colours
- painting with watercolour
- exploring locomotion
- jumping, hopping, skipping