On Friday afternoon from 2-3pm, we will be participating in a 4Cats painting workshop! If you would like to join us, let me know! We are going to be focusing on the work of Edgar Degas. More than half of Degas pieces represent dancers, usually ballerinas, as he enjoyed depicting movement in his art. He also created a variety of sculptures and paintings of horses. We will be completing a painting of a horse for our study of Degas.

We have our second MindUp session with Mrs. Kehoe tomorrow. The students thoroughly enjoyed our first session with her. I'll update you on what Mrs. Kehoe teaches the kids later this week!
Highlights Of Last Week
Language Arts
We have continued to work on our stuck stories. We have only two paragraphs left and then we will be DONE!!! The students have been working on publishing their stories in Google Slides as we have worked from paragraph to paragraph. They are doing a fantastic job implementing everything that they have learned about sentence starters, specific verbs, showing instead of telling and sensory imagery. I can't wait to see the finished products!
We have almost finished up our measurement unit in math. After finishing up our last lesson on mass, we will have a quick unit test. Our next topics will be rounding, estimation with addition and subtraction and then we will head back into multiplication and onto division.
The students and I have enjoyed the numerous challenges that we have been working through in our Survivor Building Challenge! We are going to finish up the remaining challenges this week and then move on to our next Social Studies unit!
Physical Education
I've recently taken a two day course in Leduc with an amazing Children's Psychologist and I learned so much! One of the things that she stressed was getting children outside as often as possible because it has so many positive benefits. She shared a very powerful video with us about the amount of time children in North America spend outside. You can view the video below:
Since taking the course, I have made a mindful effort to get the students out as often as possible. She also stressed the importance of unstructured play for children so I've been encouraging students to come up with their own ideas of what they want to do outside. I offer to grab a handful of equipment from the gym storage room, but after that, they are on their own to organize, problem solve and PLAY! It has been amazing!
This Thursday, we did play a structured game and we had a blast! It's a large version of Tic-Tac-Toe! Students are broken into two teams per tic-tac-toe board and are given three pinnies of their teams' colour. The goal of the game is to win Tic-Tac-Toe and there is a lot of running involved! Here's a quick video showing you how to play:
I think that this would be such a great game to play with friends and family when camping this summer, at birthdays or bbqs, family reunions...so much fun!!!
Upcoming Events
Don't forget...we are presenting a song on honesty at the assembly on Friday!
Tuesday - library
Wednesday - read for beads
Friday - 4Cats from 2pm-3pm
PaintNite tickets ON SALE NOW!!!