Math Update
This week we dove a bit deeper into the connections between multiplication and division. Students explored how they can use what they know about multiplication to help them solve division problems. We looked more closely at fact families using these two operations and worked through some challenging problem solving questions. Next week we will finish up with some review and then have a unit test.
Language Arts
We worked through another week of WTW. We will be taking the next two short weeks off from WTW and will focus our LA time on story writing again. The students have researched and planned a very exciting story that takes place in the Amazon. They have spent some time researching the different creatures that live in the Amazon and have even brainstormed some specific verbs for their favourites! It will be exciting watching these ideas come to life in story form!
We have continued reading Wonder while focusing on some higher level comprehension strategies. The book has changed narrators, from August (the main character) to his sister, Via. This narrative change has opened up the discussion around character voice and point of view. The students have continued to love the time we spend on the carpet reading and discussing this awesome book!
Education Week
Students and staff have enjoyed a fabulous week celebrating Education Week! On Monday afternoon, students rotated through their choice of sessions taught by their peers. Plants and planting, origami, math games, literacy games, basketball drills, soccer baseball, haiku, amazing animal facts and peer portraits kept the students at RBES busy for the afternoon! It was such a great activity! The peer teachers were excited to share their expertise and the peer learners were so respectful and eager!
Our two peer teachers did an absolutely fabulous job putting together a PowerPoint presentation focusing on Interesting Facts About Amazing Animals! Their presentation highlighted 6 species and included three interesting facts, pictures and a video for each animal. You could have heard a pin drop in our class as the peer learners were hanging on their every word! It was awesome! I have heard many comments from other teachers that the Amazing Animals was their students' favourite session! Way to go Miss A and Miss O! I am incredibly proud of you both!
On Tuesday, students were visited by a gentleman from the Lions Club. He read us Jada's favourite book and even gave us a new book for our class library! What a treat!
Students also participated in a Teacher Riddles activity. Using the clues provided, they had to guess the correct teacher!
Most of our students guessed my riddle:
I have reddish brown hair and bluish green eyes. In grade four I was taller than my teacher. I love learning about all of the world's creatures, except spiders!
I think my squeal and quick getaway reaction when a spider visits our classroom was a dead giveaway! Lol!
The halls were also decorated with teacher portraits this week. I have to say that this was one of my favourite moments as a teacher in the past 15 years. We decided to do our portraits in the style of the Wonder book cover.
Instead of writing my name over my eye or the word Wonder, I asked students to think of one word that they would use to describe me. They brainstormed a list and I have to say that I had to fight back tears. Your children were so generous with their words and it truly meant the world to me! I took a photo of the board with their list of words on it and I told them that I would treasure it always and on a day when my bucket feels a little empty, I would look at it and know that my bucket would instantly be overflowing.
The portraits turned out perfect!
Mrs. Duperron
This was our first week with Mrs. Duperron joining our team! We are so lucky to have Mrs. Duperron working with us! The students have handled the transition well and enjoy seeing Mrs. Ferguson on supervision at recess and around the school!
That's a wrap for this week!
Wishing you all a great weekend and wonderful Mother's Day!